ICYMI: IRI President Daniel Twining Testifies before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Washington DC – Today, International Republican Institute President Daniel Twining testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on ‘Combatting Authoritarianism: U.S. Tools and Responses’.

IRI President Dr. Daniel Twining speaks before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Click here for full hearing and the written testimony as submitted to the committee.

In his testimony, Twining stressed that we must continue to invest in democracy assistance to help champions of government of the people, by the people, and for the people the world over to build institutions strong enough to stand against a rising tide of authoritarian subversion. Twining made the following recommendations to the committee:

Policy Recommendations:

The United States has many strengths in this competition. Aside from comprehensively bolstering our own competitiveness, there is much we can do to support democracies standing against PRC interference globally. Some specific ways we could do so:

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