IRI Conducts Innovative Mixed-Method LGBTI Study in Bangladesh

As part of its work with marginalized communities in Bangladesh, the International Republican Institute (IRI) has conducted a new study on the LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) community. Gender diversity and sexual orientation are nuanced and contentious topics in Bangladesh. While “Hijra,” who are a subculture of transgender women and intersex people, have experienced increased acceptance, same-sex relationships remain punishable by up to life in prison. Bangladesh’s LGBTI community disproportionately experiences institutional discrimination, bullying, alienation, depression, violence and are often denied basic constitutional rights.

This report is part of a three-part study on the needs of marginalized communities in Bangladesh that includes Biharis, plainland ethnic groups and LGBTI people. This research advances IRI’s goal to promote the inclusion of historically marginalized communities in political discussion and policy decision-making in Bangladesh. In-depth research on community needs is essential for evidence-based advocacy for policy change.

In addition, IRI’s report on Bangladesh: Urdu-Speaking “Biharis” Seek Recognition, Respect and Rights is available here.

IRI’s report on The Challenges Facing Plainland Ethnic Groups in Bangladesh: Land, Dignity and Inclusion is available here.

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