Migration Reality Check

People have been migrating forever—to pursue fresh opportunities, or, more often, to escape a bad situation in order to survive.…

몽골의 평화적 전환기를 듣다

정치적 투옥과 만성적 기아의 위협에서 벗어나 더 나은 삶을 살고자 많은 주민들이 북한을 떠난다. 이들 중 상당수가 베트남이나 중국을 북한의…

The Narrative of the New Turkey

Against an ongoing state of emergency and following the 2017 constitutional referendum, Turkey has had another exhausting election. President Recep…

Two Countries, One Vision

Today’s youth are inspired by the idea that they can drive meaningful, lasting change in their countries. While attending IRI’s…