Selected Coverage of Joint IRI-NDI Nigeria Election Observation Mission

International observers on Nigeria vote delay – Associated Press (Video)

Africa’s largest democracy finally goes to vote, a week late – Associated Press

As Nigeria counts votes, observers hit delays – Associated Press

The battle to lead Nigeria – Axios

Nigeria Elections 2019: Is the country prepared? – BBC

Nigeria’s Delayed Elections: What Went Wrong? – BBC Newsday

Nigeria’s Delayed Elections: Views From Abuja – BBC Newsday

Nigerian presidential rivals cast ballots in delayed election – CNBC

Ballots are being counted in a Nigerian election plagued by unrest and other problems – CNN

Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari reelected, but opponent rejects results – CNN

Saturday’s elections offer Nigerians opportunity to reaffirm democracy – at home and across Africa – The Hill

Nigerian president declared winner after a troubled election – LA Times

Nigerian election delay probably reduced turnout:  US observer – Reuters

In Nigeria, delayed election takes place amid polling glitches and Boko Haram attacks – The Washington Post

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