Statement by the International Republican Institute on the Chinese Communist Party’s Announcement of Sanctions on Non-Governmental Organizations

Washington, DC—The International Republican Institute (IRI) has taken note of today’s announcement that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intends to impose sanctions on IRI and other organizations. While details are still emerging, it is clear that this is an act of political retaliation targeting NGOs dedicated to advancing freedom worldwide.

“IRI is proud to support governments, political parties, civil society organizations, and citizens in more than 80 countries in their efforts to strengthen democracy and political freedom,” said IRI President Dr. Daniel Twining. “Today’s announcement exposes the fundamental incompatibility of the CCP’s authoritarian model with these ideals. This is not the first time the CCP has sought to scapegoat others for its own failures of governance. As recent elections show, the people of Hong Kong know better than to believe such propaganda. Today’s action will only strengthen our resolve to help our partners worldwide counter the CCP’s well-documented efforts to corrode democracy.”

IRI stands with our colleagues at the National Democratic Institute, National Endowment for Democracy, and the other organizations targeted by the CCP’s intended action.

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