Laura Thomas

Advisory Council Member, WDN
Laura Thomas Headshot

Laura works at the intersection of national security and emerging technology.

For most of her career, she served as a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) case officer and Chief of Base. She built and led sensitive programs at CIA Headquarters and abroad in multiple international assignments, to include high-risk and high-ambiguity environments. After leaving CIA in 2021, Laura served as the Chief of Staff at global quantum technology company, Infleqtion.

She remains an advisor at Infleqtion and also advises pulse power fusion and nuclear effects simulation company, Fuse. Laura has worked with partners across the US Intelligence Community, National Security Council, US Department of Defense, Congress, and with foreign governments and investors.

Based on her 18 years of working across government and the tech industry, Laura is a speaker at university, government agency, investor and tech industry events on leadership, national security, and deeptech. She is a Visiting Fellow at the National Security Institute at George Mason University, an alumna of the Aspen Institute’s Aspen Tech Policy Hub, and an advisor to the Krach Institute for Tech Diplomacy at Purdue. She currently writes at

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