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IRI, JRI Research
Aceh Provincial Public Opinion Survey,
August 2011
This survey was designed, analyzed and fielded by JRI Research under the supervision of Fallon
Research and Communications on behalf of the International Republican Institute.
The provincial representative survey was carried out from August 6-22, 2011. The eligibility criteria was
based on eligibility to vote in the upcoming provincial election. A sample of 1,075 Aceh participants
were interviewed face-to-face in their homes.
The sample design was a multi-stage probability sample.
Stage one: the sample was stratified into 22 districts.
Stage two: the sample was further stratified into rural, urban and village sampling units.
Stage three: primary sampling units (PSU) were described.
The Kish grid method was used to randomize the selection within households among eligible
respondents. The households were selected using the random route method.
The sample was distributed at the district level, in rural and urban areas, in 22 districts of Aceh.
The response rate was 83 percent.
The margin of error for the survey does not exceed plus or minus three percent with a confidence level
of 95 percent.
Thirty interviewers worked on the study, on average completing 9-10 interviews in one PSU. The
interviews were conducted using local dialects performed by interviewers who are native speakers.
The survey questions were asked in a different order than they are presented.
Due to rounding, charts may not add to 100 percent.