DemGovLACBook - page 68

Participation as an Essential Element of an Active Civil Society
Not only are they placed above all other forms of participatory entities,
but they are delegated and allowed to administer public policies which
are the duty of the state. Joint responsibility cannot be an excuse for
suppressing obligations, let alone those that deal with fundamental
rights, like public services.
Overall, there is an increasing consensus around the opinion that
communal councils no longer belong to civil society, given they do
not have the required autonomy.
Additionally, some warn that these
organizations are now subject to the integrated defense committees,
which are controlled by the militia, the new component of the
Venezuelan national army.
In short, the Venezuelan example demonstrates how a good idea
regarding citizen participation was seized by government and partisan
interests and today, can no longer be regarded as a positive model
for the region. The qualities of conscious and free participation have
disappeared from these organizations because they follow the socialist
political model, constituting state entities of a partisan nature.
Autonomous and efficient participation is nonexistent, given that
these entities are dependent on the state, and have been overloaded
with numerous functions beyond their purpose, such as in the field of
military defense.
A Successful Example of Citizen Participation: Alliance Roundtables
in Bolivia
Alliance roundtables represent an innovative methodology of
citizen participation initiated by IRI in Bolivia more than six years
ago. According to an informational manual, “the objectives of the
alliance roundtables is to debate subjects of common interest, gather
a considerable variety of stakeholders in a neutral environment and
collaboratively work on a project. This work has an even larger objective
which is to: improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of a city,
region or country.”
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