Somaliland International Democratization Support Strategy - page 130

The emergence of the political parties in Somaliland was a significant step to
bridge the clan (Beel) political transition. The 2005 House of Representatives
successful elections opened the way for representative democracy based ‘one
man - one vote’ system in Somaliland. However, the absence of a functioning
internal democratic mechanism to allow free competition for party leadership
was exposed during the parties’ congresses. Party Congresses are testing times
for political parties and their leaders largely because it is the only time party
leaders expose themselves to internal challengers. However, knowing the risk
involved, no party leader was willing to hold a Congress unless its outcome
ensured their leadership. To that end, a great deal of time was spent on selecting
and screening party delegates. Challengers to the leadership were occasionally
purged. Once this process had taken place, the Party Congress was convened,
and the outcome was predetermined.
Political party congresses are not only times to make major decisions, determine leadership and
platforms for the coming years, but are important times for the party to discuss emerging issues,
gather updates from the regions, reinforce leadership and platform legitimacy and build
credibility in the eyes of its members and the public. A party congress that purely fills a
ceremonial role will not leverage these benefits, and will be a missed opportunity – and wasted
resource – to advance party development.
A priority for political parties in the coming year, especially as they prepare for the 2015
parliamentary elections, will be to organize and hold effective party congresses that fulfill the
objectives listed above. All political parties noted resource constraints with regard to holding
internal conventions, particularly in regard to venue and the transportation of participants. To
avoid perceptions of partisan support, international funders could support in-kind assistance or a
matching fund program to support political party congresses.
Opportunity 6: Support programs that aim to increase the presence of parties in between
elections, including promoting collaboration between political and development
Political parties worldwide make the regular mistake of disappearing in the eyes of the public in
the period between elections. The period between elections is the time that the party
strengthens its internal and grassroots structures, and builds a party identity and relationship
with constituents distinct from campaigns. Building of political party structures is particularly
important for when election periods resume; parties depend on strong and prepared structures to
implement campaign strategies during chaotic campaign periods. Moreover, the success of a
party during an election has much to do with the party’s record in office, as a member of the
opposition, and as an advocate for constituent interests more broadly at the national and local
levels, all of which take place between elections. An element of a party’s work between
elections is supporting the work of its members of parliament (discussed in further detail in
opportunity 10). In addition, political parties serve constituent interests beyond formal
representative bodies; for example, local political party offices often advance community
A Vote for Peace: How Somaliland Successfully Hosted Its First Parliamentary Elections in 35 Years
. Rep.
Hargeisa: Academy for Peace and Development/Interpeace, 2006. Print, p. 13.
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