Somaliland International Democratization Support Strategy - page 146

Note that those that are not highlighted as high priorities may have been listed as medium
priority or low
priority, or may not have been mentioned at all by participants. The following
section describes the high, medium, and low priorities raised by media stakeholders within each
of these categories in further detail.
Professional Skills
News Gathering/Technical Skills
Within professional skills, participants rated journalism training, primarily in news gathering
and technical skills, as the highest priority for assistance. As noted by one participant,
“Professional skills are most important...What we are lacking is professional skills...If we get
professional people they can build internal capacity and everything else.” This sentiment was
echoed in stakeholder interviews as well: “If you try to help us, please don't give us
money…Please try to train us…The knowledge of journalism is lack[ing]. Somaliland media
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