DemGovLACBook - page 22

The Political Returns of Democratic Governance
Figure 3: Local Governance Case Studies
In response to a citizen petition to address environmental
degradation in the Yungas valley, the local government of Coroico
created the Environmental Defense Committee to craft strategies
that reduce pollution and promote conservation. Made-up of
public officials, civic leaders and representatives from civil society
organizations, the committee also worked to obtain public and
private funds for public works and projects that respond to
environmental public policies. This initiative responded to efforts
adopted by local officials to increase government responsiveness
to citizen needs and priorities.
The municipal government of Cartagena worked to digitize
government services such as tax and utility payments, phone
installation requests, and electric service issues that simplify
procedures for more rapid and efficient response to citizen
transactions and requests. These services are to be housed within
one-stop shop and also made available through the
city’s website. These efforts are part of an institutional strategy
to bring government closer to citizens while ensuring greater
transparency in the delivery of services.
The municipal government of San Cristobal Totonicapan hosted
a live weekly local cable television show. During the program the
mayor and town council members report on the work performed
by their institution and elicit citizen feedback on government
services or particular issues of concern, such as public safety. In
an effort to increase government accountability and accessibility,
the programs allow citizens to call-in and ask questions of the
public officials. This media initiative is the first of its kind in
the municipality and has since been adopted by other municipal
governments in the country.
A volunteer trainer, a city manager from California, visited the
municipality of Yautepec in Morelos state to discuss strategies for
how the government and citizens can take back public spaces.
The municipality had lost a number of public parks and streets
as a result of drug-related activity. After several meetings and site
visits, the mayor of Yautepec decided to introduce an ordinance
that: Defines the lawful use of public spaces and sanctions for
improper use; establishes an internal regulation that prohibits
graffiti from being up for more than 24 hours; encourages
community activities in public parks; and works to ensure that
the city maintains public spaces effectively.
Source: IRI, Democratic Governance Division, 2011
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