DemGovLACBook - page 104

The Role of Government in Institutionalizing Democratic Governance
the state and municipal government to participate on the show. As this
particular radio show was geared towards the subject of transparency,
the dialogue and debate that ensued over the course of each weekly
program was aimed at providing government officials a means to
outline their work and for citizens to ask about performance and the
resources involved. This approach allowed the public one avenue
through which to hold their government accountable while developing
a greater understanding of what was involved in the implementation
of the policy. The program generated greater interest and demand for
government transparency and made citizens more aware of the need to
understand the roles and responsibilities of public institutions.
Cooperation, whether initiated by governments or civil society, is
essential to successfully integrate democratic governance mechanisms
into the political landscape. Bridging the divide between government
and those they govern allows for a virtuous cycle of trust, policy setting
and decision-making. While citizens have to choose to engage and
be a force for change within their own society, governments can and
should undertake initiatives to create an environment amenable to
true democratic processes where citizens are empowered and valued as
constituents, not subjects.
Governments looking to provide authentic methods of participation
should look for input from constituents early and often. Unidirectional
methods such as opinion polling, citizen surveys and suggestion
box initiatives can be effective ways to hear concerns and prioritize
issues; however, lasting positive impact fully emerges when the
conversation is two-sided. Roundtable discussions, interactive
town halls and television or radio shows with call-in segments all
permit government officials to converse directly with constituents.
Governments can inform citizens about initiatives and policies,
describing the opportunities and limitations within, allowing for
realistic expectations, fuller understanding of implications and
provide opportunity for feedback. Citizen participation can extend
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