DemGovLACBook - page 105

The Role of Government in Institutionalizing Democratic Governance
past issue identification and discussion; as projects are implemented,
governments can utilize citizen oversight mechanisms, both formal and
informal, to ensure proper execution. Mechanisms can be simple and
low-cost, such as tip lines where citizens can report improper actions
or use of resources. Citizens can also monitor and report conditions
like broken municipal signage, road or sidewalk damage and graffiti
by submitting SMS or email based images, allowing governments to
stay informed and prioritize responses. At the end of project cycles or
fiscal years, citizens can be included in the evaluation process through
public rendering of accounts or public works audits, initiatives that
allow citizens to understand where and how public money was spent.
By increasing citizen knowledge of government functions, including
them in the discussion about the municipalities’ future and providing
mechanisms for feedback, governments can increase citizen confidence
in the accountability and capability of government.
Developing partnerships and relationships with external organizations,
particularly media outlets and think tanks, can be an effective way for
governments to better understand citizen priorities, make better policy
decisions and publicize their efforts to fulfill citizen needs. Think tanks
can serve as an independent research tool, encouraging consideration
of divergent points of view when drafting legislation or making
policy decisions and enable both a long-range perspective of the past
and view of implications into the future that is unrelated to political
cycles. As an independent voice, think tanks can speak for unpopular
but important initiatives and as a bulwark against populist arguments
that emanate from within or outside of government, benefitting both
citizens and governments. Partnerships with media and think tanks
can take many forms: public town halls, radio or television shows and
op-ed placements are all ways for governments to interact with these
actors in transparent methods that can instill governmental confidence
in citizens. Media can play a watchdog role, ensuring accountability
of public officials and projects. They also can serve to highlight
government achievements and encourage citizen participation in
governmental initiatives. Governments wanting to inform and involve
citizens should look to media personalities and outlets as facilitators.
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