DemGovLACBook - page 110

According to the World Bank, from 1996 to 2009 the basic elements
of governance decreased in Latin America relative to other regions
of the world. The greatest declines were seen in regulatory quality
(-27 percent) and the rule of law (-20 percent). This directly impacts
the capacity of government to formulate and implement policies and
regulations that enable the promotion and development of the private
sector and the quality of compliance to regulations by different social
players. Faced with these results, and taking into account that Latin
America still cannot surpass an average of four out of 10 points in the
Perception of Corruption Index, demonstrates that the region suffers
from a generalized behavior which tends toward neglecting regulations.
Within this framework, there are shortcomings in the oversight of
public institutions.
An organization is only efficient and effective if it can optimally fulfill
the four basic functions of administration: planning, organizing,
directing and controlling.
If one of these functions fails, there will be
an improper use of available resources and a poor provision of goods
The Index of Open Government:
A Tool for Strengthening Oversight and Territorial
Democratic Governance
Carlos Augusto Mesa Diaz
Juan Pablo Remolina Pulido
“Collaborative public management is a concept that describes the process of facilitating and
operating in multiorganizational arrangements for solving problems that cannot be achieved, or
achieved easily, by single organizations.”
-Agranoff and McGuire
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