DemGovLACBook - page 11

The International Republican Institute (IRI) recognizes that democracy
is more than elections. Lasting democratic systems require leaders that
govern in an accountable, responsive manner and an active civil society
regularly in communication with elected officials.
In the arena of democracy assistance, we have seen that a country’s
ability to govern—and govern democratically—is the key factor
influencing a nation’s ultimate success or failure, particularly if it is a
new democracy. We have also seen, in this time period, a consistent
desire by citizens for democratic governance and the more effective
delivery of governmental services.
Throughout IRI’s 30 years, the Institute has looked to practitioners and
academics for analysis of the democratization experiences in countries
across the globe. IRI has incorporated those experiences into programs
designed to improve the effectiveness of governing institutions and the
lines of open communication between the public and their government.
As part of IRI’s effort to enhance the understanding of democratic
governance in Latin America, we brought together elected officials,
academics and practitioners to share experiences. I hope readers of
this book will come away with a better understanding of the challenges
Latin American countries and their citizens face in their political
evolution towards a genuine participatory democracy, as well as a
stronger understanding of the key drivers of political change: citizen
participation, transparent government, responsive political leadership
and an independent media.
Lorne W. Craner
International Republican Institute
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