DemGovLACBook - page 7

closer to its citizens and citizens closer to their government.
The investigations and recommendations found in this book lend
new perspectives on democratic governance to practitioners, elected
officials, government staff and civil society actors who seek to further
democratic change, improve governance and understand key issues that
influence that process. Through this publication, IRI hopes readers are
able to gain new insight into existing discussions of democratization
and governance in Latin America. The authors’ experiences show that
despite daunting challenges and precarious political environments,
there are opportunities and prospects for reform, transformation and
This collection begins with an analysis by Georges A. Fauriol, Vice
President for the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), in
which he deconstructs democratic governance and provides a regional
overview of the state of governance in the region. Fauriol begins his
contribution with a concise historical overview of the dynamics that
have characterized interactions between governments and citizens
and continues with an analysis of the fundamentals embedded in
contemporary governance, concluding by pinpointing the political
returns and benefits provided by democratic governance.
Taking a close look at the state of democracy and democratic governance
in Latin America, Joel D. Hirst, Principal for Cordoba Group
International and formerly Human Freedom Fellow at the George W.
Bush Institute, notes the challenges that have led to the contemporary
decline in democratic institutions in the region. While taking heed of
historical antecedents that allowed setbacks to occur in the democratic
advance of many Latin American nations, Hirst also pinpoints pressing
challenges that are undermining governance in the region today. He
concludes by highlighting a series of initiatives adopted at the local
or municipal level in several countries throughout the Americas that
have successfully countered these challenges and led to strengthened
democratic performance.
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