DemGovLACBook - page 48

Collaboration Between Think Tanks and Government in the Development of Public Policy
Although it is important to keep in mind that think tanks are not
synonymous with traditional university research centers or academic
institutions, it is not uncommon to see think tanks that have emerged
from one of the aforementioned institutions. In creating their own
think tanks, these institutions seek to transform their traditional
academic work into concrete and direct means of influencing national
One of the most significant challenges a think tank faces is maintaining
a balance between the strict academic rigor required of a think tank
and ensuring the issues are understood by the non-academic actors
involved in the policy process. The work done and the documents
developed should be in language that is understandable and accessible
to citizens and policymakers, while at the same time adhering to the
highest academic standards and integrity in research and analysis. This
balance between the quality of analysis and ease of understanding is
what helps a think tank achieve credibility and establish a presence in
society. It is also important for think tanks to be able to contribute
to discussions on issues that come up daily, and to understand the
timetables and deadlines associated with these discussions. Delivering
a policy analysis late is equivalent to having not submitted anything,
and may ultimately undermine the credibility of an institution if it is
viewed as out of touch with the policy discussions of the day. However,
the ultimate goal of think tanks is not to develop timely and rigorous
policy proposals, but to influence the policy making process so that the
developed proposals are accepted and implemented.
The success of a think tank is not measured by the number of published
works but by the overall influence the institution has in three specific
environments: government, legislature and media. The importance of
influencing government is perhaps the most obvious of the three, as it
is the most relevant player in determining and implementing public
policies. The legislature is also important, as most, if not all, public
policies are discussed and must be approved by that body. Indeed, it
is the legislative branch that defines the general framework in which
policies are designed and implemented. The role of media in the public
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