DemGovLACBook - page 55

Collaboration Between Think Tanks and Government in the Development of Public Policy
a good possibility of being implemented.
With the January 2010 election of President Pinera, LyD is, for the
first time in its existence, working with a government that ideologically
espouses the principles that LyD works to defend. Despite this, there
have been more than a few cases in which LyD has disagreed with
the administration on policy proposals. For example, in the first few
months of the Pinera administration, LyD opposed the transitory tax
hike proposed by the new government.
It must be understood that government will often make decisions based
on political considerations instead of long-term benefit. As such, the
current administration may face opposition from LyD. Independence
from government influence is what allows LyD to maintain legitimacy
in the public eye while still positively affecting change for the
future. LyD’s research and analysis has contributed to helping the
administration keep a focused eye on its policy priorities and ensure
that each proposal is backed by solid reasoning. By serving as a check
on government, the LyD model has shown the importance of think
tanks in a democratic society, where technical experts and analysts act
as key contributors to healthy and sustainable democratic practices.
Final Notes and Challenges for the Region
There are many diverse think tanks in most countries in Latin America.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to measure the impact these think tanks
have had on governance in different places. Ultimately, the subjects
these organizations broach and the effort they commit to their causes
will determine their contribution to the development of the region.
Providing universal recommendations for success is difficult. However,
one of the greatest challenges that think tanks must overcome is
elevating public policy debates beyond ideological differences in
government. Latin America is ever-changing, and countries must
develop new proposals to meet the new and dynamic challenges now
faced in the region. Thus, think tanks must be able to elevate the
policy discussion beyond the shortsighted populist considerations that
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