DemGovLACBook - page 50

Collaboration Between Think Tanks and Government in the Development of Public Policy
Spaces for Collaboration Between Think Tanks and Government
Think tanks that have built their reputation as a resource in matters of
public policy through rigorous research and their ability to influence
policy, can find multiple areas of cooperation with government. The
potential to build these collaborative relationships exists despite the fact
that great ideological differences may exist between the government
and the institution.
Governments must take note of the benefits that can be attained from
working with think tanks. One of the challenges to collaborative action
is the tendency for a government to view a think tank as an obstacle
to their potential and actions. However, by bridging these separate
institutions and involving civil society in matters of common action,
policymakers can better accommodate and consider a wider range of
views. This cooperative effort and establishment of friendly relations
allows the problems of the country to be assessed and addressed
simultaneously by various groups allowing for a wider variety of
solutions to choose from. This helps the government adopt policies
that are better suited to solve the problem at hand.
There are endless spaces for collaboration between government and
think tanks. Here we mention four of the most common:
First, we should be mindful of the fact that governments often have
limited resources for policy research and proposal development. Think
tanks serve as a source of reliable information that can contribute to the
development of ideas and can allow for deeper analysis. Thus, think
tanks should serve as significant contributors to the policy process by
generating ideas and contributing to the debate necessary for policy
Second, think tanks play an important role in encouraging a longer
term approach to the country’s policy agenda. The dynamics inherent
in democratic governments, which are subject to electoral cycles, often
significantly impact the policies that are proposed and ultimately
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