DemGovLACBook - page 115

A Tool for Strengthening Oversight and Territorial Democratic Governance
Upon analyzing the Colombian panorama under the triangle of
corruption, it is evident that the state has adopted different international
instruments in the fight against corruption,
which have found
their way into multiple laws within the Colombian legal framework.
Nonetheless, the ability of the territorial entities to fulfill these norms
shows critical deficiencies.
Shortcomings in the opportunity factor
have allowed for conditions that are conducive for public servants to
act irregular. For this reason the PGN decided to design and implement
a monitoring system to review the strategic norms of the fight against
corruption and applied a system that would facilitate vigilance and
The application of the triangle of corruption in Colombia allowed for
the identification of difficulties in the opportunity vertex because a
critical situation existed regarding the fulfillment of anticorruption
norms. In order to deal with the problem it was necessary to adopt a
framework for analysis that would clarify and unite the very spirit of
the existing objectives. Founded on international instruments tailored
to the fight against corruption, which have been adopted by the state
(particularly those dealing with preventative measures in the public
sector), and managerial methodologies for evaluation the information
management value chain (CVGI) emerges.
The CVGI aims to foster open government, that is, a government that is
transparent, accessible and receptive, according to the definition set forth
by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
The CVGI determines that to achieve transparency it is necessary to
carry out four basic processes: internal control, data storage, exposure
to information and dialogue on information. The implementation of
these processes will enable the optimal administration of information,
within the framework of the constitutional principles of administrative
meaning information is handled to generate a high
degree of fluidity of information within the organization and among
interested parties (board of directors, employees and the citizenry,
among others),
without damage to the restrictions established by
law. Founded on the CVGI, the IGA emerges.
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