Why We Lost - page 151

wh y w e l o s t
Notes on Authors
Mantas Adomėnas
is Director of International Programs at the Civil Society Institute in
Vilnius, Lithuania, and a
in Classics at Vilnius University. Before starting work
at the Institute, he was a don at Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge, where he taught
classics and philosophy. Dr. Adomėnas is active as a columnist, political commentator,
and essay-writer, as well as dabbling in political and public life, both in Cambridge and
Sebastian Lăzăroiu
is the Managing Director of the Center for Urban and Regional So-
ciology - CURS, a leading Romanian polling company in social and political research.
Previously, he served as Research Director of the Center for Marketing and Opinion Polls/
TNS and for many years worked as an independent expert in polling and sociological
research for national and international organizations (including the World Bank and the
Soros Foundation). Mr. Lazaroiu is also a lecturer in the Department of Political Science at
the National School for Political and Administrative Studies and PhD candidate in Sociol-
ogy at the University of Bucharest.
Tamás Lánczi
started his career in the office of former Prime Minister of Hungary Vik-
tor Orbán. After the 2002 elections, he worked as a political analyst for the Fidesz-MPS
parliamentary group. Since September 2004, he has been a project manager for Civic Gov-
ernance 2006, a team commissioned to prepare Fidesz for government after the next elec-
tions. Lánczi also received a scholarship from the XXI. Century Institute, one of the most
prestigious conservative think tanks in Hungary.
Andrej Lepavcov
is the founder and former president of the Macedonian Euro-Atlantic
Youth Forum (MEAF). He was adviser and spokesperson in the cabinet of the late presi-
dent of Macedonia Boris Trajkovski. He currently serves as Deputy Program Officer for
the International Republican Institute’s program in Skopje.
Svetoslav Malinov
is Professor of the History of Political Theory at the Sofia Univer-
sity of St. Kliment Ohridsky, Department of Political Science. He is also Editor-in-
Chief of the journal REASON. Dr. Malinov made the first translations into Bulgarian
of the major works of John Locke and Edmund Burke and is the author of a book on
the political thought of Edmund Burke, editor of the anthologies
volumes, 1999, 2000),
The Modern Democratic Idea
(2003) and
The Modern Demo-
cratic State
Marek Matraszek
is the Founding Partner and Warsaw Director of CEC Government
Relations, a leading Central European political consultancy. Born the United Kingdom,
he was educated at Magdalen College, Oxford, graduating in philosophy, politics and eco-
nomics. He moved to Poland in 1990 as a freelance journalist. During the 1990s, he was
Central European representative of the Margaret Thatcher Foundation and Director of the
Windsor Group, a center-right think tank operating throughout Central Europe. He has
worked widely in Central Europe with the British Conservative Party and International
Republican Institute.
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