DemGovLACBook - page 117

A Tool for Strengthening Oversight and Territorial Democratic Governance
through four information systems: the System for Identification of
Potential Beneficiaries of Social Programs managed by the DNP’s
social development office, the Sole Information System subject to the
Superintendence for Public Services, the Sole Territorial Form (FUT)
managed by the DNP’s National Royalties Office and the Office of
Fiscal Support of theDepartment ofTreasury, among other entities, and,
the information system for reporting on budget expenditures (SICEP)
managed by the DNP’s Office for Territorial Development. The third
sub-component measures the implementation of the e-government
(the information phase) according to information provided
by the e-government program managed by the MinTIC.
Finally, the fourth component, dialogue on information, measures two
sub-components. First, rendering of accounts, measures key aspects
of the implementation of public hearings by means of information
registered into the SICEP by each territorial entity. The second sub-
component, customer service, measures the implementation of
the e-government strategy (the interaction phase) managed by the
e-government program of the MinTIC.
Within the IGA, each of the four components carries a relative weight
(figure 3) determined by its level of importance as established through an
analysis that applies multiple criteria. The internal control component
therefore represents 20 percent, the data storage component represents
20 percent, the exposure to information component represents 40
percent and the dialogue on information component another 20
Mechanisms for the Socialization of IGA’s Results
Once the IGA for each territorial entity is calculated, the results are
diagramed through a model inspired by the British methodology for
administrative oversight. This oversight model is characterized by
introducing techniques for private sector management into public
The model was implemented in the 1970’s by prime
ministers Margaret Thatcher and John Major, who were pioneers in
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