DemGovLACBook - page 119

A Tool for Strengthening Oversight and Territorial Democratic Governance
sigma (
)} determines the highest benchmark, and the average minus
the standard deviation sets the lowest benchmark. As such, the entities
located above the high benchmark (the atypical higher range) reveal a
relatively high performance while those below the lowest benchmark
(atypical lower range) reveal a relatively low performance. The
municipalities that are located between the high and low ranges reveal
a typical or medium performance. Within this criteria, each range -
high, medium or low - in the bar graph is coupled with maps so as
to geographically identify areas with relatively high, low and medium
performance (figure 4).
This oversight model has several advantages. First, it is a simple tool that
amasses all the entities under evaluation. This way the PGN is able to
survey all local administrations and allow it to obtain a panoramic view
of all the aspects measured by the IGA. Second, the model enables the
comparison between entities being observed. As a result the PGN is
able to learn which entities are performing better than others and to
what extent, which promotes healthy competition between entities to
obtain better results. Third, the fact that the entities under observation
are able to identify, among their counterparts, who is performing better
allows them an opportunity to become familiar with and replicate best
practices. Fourth, along with other entities responsible for oversight
and control, the PGN will be able to target interventions, trainings,
audits or sanctions, as needed.
After the results are published, these are shared with the entities that
have been evaluated as well as the entities that provide information by
means of a particular methodology. The PGN then organizes in-person
events in government offices, known as anti-corruption regulations
compliance roundtables, to which it invites all the mayors from the
evaluated municipalities, local and national government entities
that participate in the IGA and the governor of the corresponding
department. During the event, the PGN shows the results of the
IGA. Subsequently, representatives of the national government
present the methodology for measuring the corresponding indicators
and offer capacity building to the territorial entities. Finally, mayors
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