DemGovLACBook - page 120

A Tool for Strengthening Oversight and Territorial Democratic Governance
explore the reasons why they had a high or low level of performance as
regards fulfilling regulations. This technique is applied to each of the
IGA Results: Pilot Project in the Department of Santander
The IGA approach was applied in 2010 as a pilot project in the 87
municipalities of the department of Santander. Santander was chosen
because the department registered the largest number of disciplinary
sanctions over the course of 2009. The consolidated data proved that
all municipalities presented deficiencies in the compliance of these
regulations. The average was 53 points out of a total of 100, and the
gap that exists between municipalities is significant (58 points between
the highest and the lowest score), which is not necessarily due to a lack
of financial resources. Entities of the first and sixth category are located
as often in higher ranges as in lower ranges.
The results of the internal control component reveal that the average in
the implementation of the MECI is 67 points and many municipalities
are not complying, according to the parameters established by the
governing entity on this matter, the Administrative Department of
Public Administration. The results of the data storage component
evince that it is the second most critical deficiency with an average
of 37 points. Despite the existence of the Law of Archives, which is
in effect since 2000, more than 95 percent of the municipalities have
not received approval and application of the assessment tables for
documents, or the application of tables for document retention and
general archiving.
Regarding the exposure to information component, the contractual
visibility sub-component proves to be the most critical aspect. The
average is only 26 points. Fifty-one percent of the municipalities (in
other words, 44 municipalities) obtained less than 20 points and 33
percent (29 municipalities) do not register a single contract published
in the PUC over the course of 2009. The results on the report on
strategic information systems sub-component show better results.
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