DemGovLACBook - page 123

A Tool for Strengthening Oversight and Territorial Democratic Governance
The average is high, 87 points, despite difficulties in the quality of
information, primarily the reports prepared about royalties by the FUT.
The second best results are seen in the implementation sub-component
of the e-government strategy (the information phase). While the
average is 71 points, it is located in the medium range (< 80 points)
of performance according to the parameters of the e-government
program, despite the fact that the deadline for fulfilling this phase of
the project was in November of 2008.
Regarding the rendering of accounts subcomponent of the overarching
dialogue on information component, the average was 54 points, which
highlights that though 96 percent of the surveyed municipalities
expressed they had conducted one or two public renditions of accounts
that year, only 17 percent carried out public hearings. This data
suggests that it is prudent to revise the methodology that municipalities
are implementing to carry out their rendering of accounts. Regarding
the customer service sub-component, 87 percent of the municipalities
evaluated demonstrated low levels of compliance in the e-government
strategy (the interaction stage) despite the fact that the deadline for
implementation was December 2009.
Results of the First Anti-Corruption Regulations Compliance Round
For the PNG, what is most important are not the results in and of
themselves but rather their socialization, pedagogy and the subsequent
actions that are adopted. In this regard, on February 15, 2011, the first
anti-corruption regulations compliance roundtable was carried out in
the city of Bucaramanga. Eighty-two of the 87 mayors (95 percent) that
were evaluated participated, as well as the governor of the department,
five territorial attorney generals, three territorial comptrollerships and
nine entities of the national government.
Despite the sensitivity of the subject, the mayors showed a good
receptiveness to the event. Seventy-eight percent classified the event
as excellent, and 28 percent as good. Eighty-nine percent believed that
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