DemGovLACBook - page 132

Author Biographies
Luis H. Nájera Castillo
Luis H. Nájera Castillo has 22 years of experience as a reporter and
editor for written, radio, and video press in Northern Mexico. He has
also served as a government official in the state of Chihuahua and in
the Chamber of Deputies in Mexico City. He was the correspondent
in Ciudad Juarez for the influential Reform Group (
Grupo Reforma
where he specialized in covering issues related to organized crime and
the border between Mexico and the United States. As a result of his
investigative work, he received threats that ultimately forced him into
exile in Canada, where he has resided with his family since 2008.
In 2010, he received the International Prize for Freedom of the Press
from the Canadian Journalists for Free Expression organization, and in
2011, became the first Mexican to be awarded a scholarship to Massey
College at the University of Toronto for its renowned program for
veteran journalists. He is cited as an expert on organized crime and
freedom of expression issue on radio and television programs in the
United States, Europe and Canada.
Castillo eceived his degree in communication sciences with a
concentration in journalism from the Autonomous University of
Nuevo Leon in Mexico.
Daniel W. Fisk
Daniel W. Fisk is the Vice President for Policy and Strategic Planning
at the IRI. Prior to joining IRI in 2009, Fisk served in a number
of positions in the U.S. government, including as Special Assistant to
the President and Senior Director for Western Hemisphere Affairs on
the National Security Council (NSC) from October 2005 to January
2009. He joined the NSC from the State Department, where he
was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of Western
Hemisphere Affairs. In these positions, Fisk oversaw the development
and implementation of policies to expand initiatives towards Latin
America in the areas of good governance, economic development and
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