DemGovLACBook - page 128

A Tool for Strengthening Oversight and Territorial Democratic Governance
fulfillment of the Constitution, the laws, the judicial decisions and the
administrative acts.”
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In agreement with the index of governance of the World Bank, the
index of competitiveness of the World Economic Forum and the index
of Perception of International Transparency, the corruption has been
consolidated in the last five years with the more relevant problem.
Ex. Convention of United Nations of the fight against Corruption,
the Inter-American Covention of the Fight Against Corruption and
the Andean Plan for Fighting Corruption.
Some examples: According to a survey carried out in 2010 by
PGN, 91% of 225 territorial entities evaluated fail to fulfill the Law
of Archives. In agreement with the Municipal Index of Transparency
2008-2009 of the Transparency Corporation of Colombia, more than
70% of the bids were not published in the Unique Portal of Hiring
(PUC). According to the DNP, in 2009 44% (2008: 71%) of the
municipalities were incomplete and inconsistent with regards to the
management of the General System of Shares (c. COP 20 billion).
The Accountant General of the Nation declared that 62% of the 750
entities that receive royalties did not report them through the Unique
Territorial Form (FUT). A survey conducted in 2009 and 2010 by
PGN showed that 75 percent of 1141 entities evaluated show partial
implementation of the Standard Model of Internal Control. According
to the Min. TIC, by December 31st of 2010, 93% of the territorial
entities were found in a low or medium level in the implementation of
the information phase of the National Governments online strategy.
OCDE. Public Sector Modernization: Open Government. 2005.p.2.
“The administrative function seeks the general interests and is
developed based on the principles of equality, morality, efficiency,
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