DemGovLACBook - page 126

A Tool for Strengthening Oversight and Territorial Democratic Governance
One of IGA’s greatest challenges is to contribute to empowering citizens
through timely, complete and accessible public information, ensuring
that citizens and civil servants have access to the same information.
While information may be available, if citizens do not have the capacity
to demand accountability or be critical of public administration, the
goal is only achieved halfway. This implies designing and implementing
strategies aimed primarily toward citizen groups that are active in local
public affairs and by doing do, shed light on the different channels and
types of information to which they have access.
One must not lose sight of the integrity of the three factors that influence
the likelihood of an act of corruption as established by the triangle
of corruption (opportunity, pressure and rationality). While the IGA
tackles the
factor, it is necessary to reinforce strategies that
seek to close the two remaining factors. The PGN is currently working
on these points.
IGA is a tool that contributes tomeasuring compliance of anticorruption
regulations in Colombia. Following IGA’s protocol Colombia has
helped to more accurately implement and monitor the Inter-American
and United Nations Conventions Against Corruption and the Andean
Plan Against Corruption. The Republic of Colombia, alongside other
state signatories to these international instruments must systematically
conduct reports on actions taken to fight corruption. Thus, the IGA
intends to not only facilitate the reporting to the different multilateral
organisms on progress made in this matter, but above all, to extensively
learn the status of key elements in every state entity.
term, a country’s per capita income is increased three-
fold. At the same time, child mortality is reduced, literacy
is increased and competitiveness greatly increases.”
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