DemGovLACBook - page 130

Author Biographies
Georges A. Fauriol
Georges A. Fauriol joined the National Endowment for Democracy
in February 2010 as Vice President, Programs: Planning, Grants
Management, Compliance and Evaluation. Previously, he was Senior
Vice President at IRI, having also served as Vice President for Strategic
Planning and Acting President during 2004. Prior to joining IRI in
October 2001, Fauriol was Senior Fellow and Director of the Americas
Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, where
he was the senior scholar specializing in Western Hemisphere issues—
the Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America, and Canada.
Previously, Fauriol worked at the Foreign Policy Research Institute,
the U.S. Information Agency, and the Inter-American Development
Bank. Fauriol is the author or coauthor of several books and more
than 50 publications and has testified before congressional committees
frequently. He received his master’s and doctorate degrees from the
University of Pennsylvania and holds a bachelor’s degree from Ohio
Joel D. Hirst
Joel D. Hirst is a Principal at the Cordoba Group International and an
expert on Latin America policy. Previously, Hirst was the recipient of
the prestigious International Affairs Fellowship (IAF) at the Council
on Foreign Relations in Washington, DC. There, he wrote the first
comprehensive book on the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas titled,
ALBA: Venezuela’s Bolivarian Alliance and its NewWorld Order
Hirst has worked for the U.S. Agency for International Development’s
(USAID) Office of Transition Initiatives as country representative
in Uganda from 2008 to 2010 where he received the Field Team
Award for 2009; and from 2004 to 2008 he was the acting country
representative and deputy country representative in Venezuela where
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