Why We Lost - page 49

wh y w e l o s t
Although it is too early to predict a winner for the general elections in 2006, Fidesz has
a solid lead on the governing parties. Falling living standards, pessimistic expectations
among the population, internal crises within the MSzP and tension between the coalition
parties all bode well for Fidesz.
The reasons behind this are due to the radical changes that took place within the party
in terms of communication and party organization, the same factors that contributed
to its victory in the 2004 European Parliament elections. Currently, the party is mate-
rially and “mentally” backed by a stable base of supporters. But its inability to break
through the bias of the media still handicaps Fidesz. The party still faces a passive and
dissatisfied electorate that has been cultivated by a biased media. Resolving the conflict
with the MDF is a serious challenge, since failure to do so could waste some two to 4%
of votes for the right in 2006. Avoiding this will require great flexibility and generosity
from both parties. Nonetheless, the hopes and prospects of the right in the upcoming
elections are high.
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